Assassin’s Creed Red victim of big leaks, it will make fans dream

Assassin’s Creed Red may not take long to make the long-awaited announcement by fans. But when exactly is it? Well, obviously there’s not much longer to wait.

Assassin’s Creed Red is a bit like the realization of all the AC community’s dreams. This time, the setting is set in feudal Japan, which did not fail to excite the players. Unfortunately, for the moment, we are still in the dark regarding the adventure that will be proposed. There is still no trailer worthy of the name to get your teeth into, and among some people, impatience is starting to be felt. However, you can be reassured, because it seems that a big announcement is coming soon.

Assassin’s Creed Red may soon be revealed in broad daylight

This information comes to us from a user named BunnyTheVillain. On X (formerly Twitter), she made some pretty surprising revelations. She explains to us that the first trailer for Assassin’s Creed Red will be published in May 2024. However, we will not yet have to deal with gameplay. For that, we will have to wait until next July, during a Ubi Forward which has not been revealed at the time of writing these lines. Well, if we stop there already, we have something to work on. But there is a catch.

Yes, that’s all well and good, but where is the evidence? As usual, we will have to settle for “it comes from a reliable source”, but that is hardly convincing. Afterwards, the person behind this so-called leak is not his first attempt, and he remains a Ubisoft Partner, so why not? That said, we really have to take what is said about Assassin’s Creed Red with a grain of salt, because we are far from having an official confirmation from Ubisoft. However, when it comes to the release date, the leak in question is probably right (more or less) for a very simple reason.

A release date for 2024?

According to BunnyTheVillain, there’s no doubt that Assassin’s Creed Red will be released in November 2024. In itself, it’s possible, even if insider Shinobi602 isn’t so sure. In fact, you have to look at one of the latest leaks to get the beginning of an answer. Last year, Arisa Lagunzad, a Ubisoft employee working in partnership management, called for collaboration with content creators and other creative parties. And he may have said too much, as he explained the following via LinkedIn:

We are looking for a partner for the next Assassin’s Creed Codename RED for next year. The license is expanding in terms of cross-media with podcasts and manga series. Do you want to be our partner for the biggest blockbuster of 2024?

Given that this comes directly from an employee of the studio, we can already be more confident in what is being reported. Be careful, this in no way confirms the date given by the new leak, but it shows that it is not completely off the mark. In any case, we can’t wait to find out more. Knowledgeable insider Tom Henderson revealed that there would be two playable characters in Assassin’s Creed Red. A man and a woman, who will respectively be a samurai (having actually existed, a first in the series) and a shinobi. Will you see them in May 2024? To be continued.

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