Assassin’s Creed: Showrunner leaves the Netflix series – what will become of the project?



“Assassin’s Creed” is not in a good light. Showrunner Jeb Stuart is leaving the upcoming Netflix series, leaving the franchise alone. Can the series be saved at all?

"Assassin's Creed"movie from 2016

“Assassin’s Creed”, film from 2016 (Source:

  • Ubisoft’s successful video game series “Assassin’s Creed” is to receive a Netflix series adaptation.
  • This should make the complex plot of the games much more understandable than the film adaptation from 2016.
  • Now veteran showrunner Jeb Stuart has dropped out of the project, jeopardizing the whole venture.

A major setback for Netflix and game developer Ubisoft. After the attempt to bring the popular video game series “Assassin’s Creed” to the screen failed in 2016, the streaming giant Netflix announced in 2020 that it would give the film adaptation of the franchise another chance. This time as a series.

Now Netflix has to say goodbye to the man who was supposed to bring the Assassins back to the screens. Jeb Stuart, best known for his screenplays for Die Hard and Netflix series Vikings: Valhalla, is leaving the project before it even gets started.

In an interview with the US magazine “Collider”, Stuart explains the reasons that led him to this decision.

It was a bit like an executive move from LA to London. This allowed the London group, who unfortunately had to inherit my vision of it, to develop their own vision. I think that’s fair. I know it’s going to be great whenever the series comes out. The people at Ubisoft are fantastic. I think it’s a great franchise. It was just a good time together to keep going for both sides.

Jeb Stuart opposite Collider

Stuart’s departure from the series is a major setback for “Assassin’s Creed”, because video game adaptations don’t have it easy and are rarely successful. A major reason for this is the fact that the content of a 15, 20 or even 100 hour game has to be squeezed into just two or three hours.

Ubisoft’s “Assassin’s Creed” games are part of an open world and can therefore take many hours to complete. A series is much better suited for presentation than a film. Still, the series might be too big to adapt well. Maybe Stuart realized that too.

The upcoming Netflix show is supposed to go back to its roots and show the battle between the Order of the Temple and the Brotherhood of Assassins. It should be much quieter and take enough time for the action. This should also make the time travel premise of “Assassin’s Creed” easier to understand for viewers. This was the greatest weakness of Justin Kurzel’s 2016 film.

The first video game in the “Assassin’s Creed” series is about Desmond Miles, who is supposed to live through the genetic memories of an ancestor using the so-called Animus. He travels to the year 1191 and experiences the memories of his ancestor Altair, at a time when the Third Crusade was tearing the Holy Land apart.

So far, very little is known about the Netflix adaptation. Since there is currently no cast, the production may still be in a very early stage. Despite Stuart’s departure, this does not mean the end. Still, the departure of such an experienced showrunner is a worrying development for the project.

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