Assault on a deputy: three people arrested and indicted


Europe 1 with AFP

Two men and a woman were arrested on Thursday by the national gendarmerie. They are suspected of having attacked, on January 9, the LREM deputy Stéphane Claireaux and his wife during the anti-sanitary pass demonstrations. Since last July, threats have continued to increase against elected officials.

Two men and a woman suspected of having assaulted LREM MP Stéphane Claireaux on January 9 outside his home in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, during a demonstration against the health pass, were arrested on Thursday and indicted. the next day, the national gendarmerie announced on Saturday. Acting within the framework of an investigation in flagrance at the request of the public prosecutor of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the investigators of the research brigade of Saint-Pierre proceeded to the exploitation of a “ten videos broadcast on social networks as well as the hearing of around thirty identified witnesses”, explained the gendarmerie in a press release.

534 “serious threats” against elected officials linked to the management of the Covid since July

On January 9, the deputy was waiting for the demonstrators in front of his home “to discuss with them”, as he had told on France Info when several people threw seaweed (set of seaweed) and various projectiles at him. “It looked like stoning,” said the chosen one, ensuring that he had avoided “within five centimeters a pebble passed near” his face. The Minister of the Sea Annick Girardin had denounced “an attack” and the deputy had filed a complaint. Since July, 534 acts of “serious threats” against elected officials directly linked to the management of health measures against Covid-19 have been identified and more than 400 complaints filed, according to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin.

One of the two men arrested has been identified as the one who tore off the MP’s mask. The other man and the woman were the authors of the seaweed jets. All three were notified on Friday of an indictment accompanied by judicial review (ban on contact with the deputy, ban on participating in a demonstration).

The gendarmes are continuing their investigations to identify other perpetrators.


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