Astro 2023: this sign will have a superb end of the month

The month of May is already coming to an end and already the season of Taurus has given way to Gemini since May 21. This air sign is honored at the end of May and during a large part of June, until the summer solstice on the 21st. Gemini, double sign, is that of communication. He is particularly sociable and he easily gathers people around him, naturally. The Gemini season rhymes with good weather, long days and evenings that already smell like summer. But while waiting for the month of June, some zodiac signs have trouble coping and encounter difficulties in the professional or personal sphere. This is the case of the shy Pisces who is totally overwhelmed by his new energies (with which he is not at all compatible at first sight).

Nevertheless, this end of the month and the arrival in Gemini will bring to a sign of the zodiac a renewed energy which does him good. It’s about… Well Gemini. Dating, especially around the start of his birthday period (May 21), is more than likely.” says Annalisa Angelucci, female astrologer. “The professional projects put in place in recent months bring opportunities and opportunities and it is likely that the subject “career, job and future” requires reflection and pushes you to reconsider certain past convictions. After all, change opinion can be a symptom of great intelligence and great mental flexibility.” Gemini will therefore be brought to make a change that will be very beneficial to him.

These star signs will love the end of May

Other astrological signs will live well this end of May. This is the case of Sagittarius who will have many professional opportunities at the end of the month. “After May 20, new proposals for collaboration could see the light of day”, notes Annalisa Angelucci. This fire sign hasn’t had an obvious month of May, but this past week has calmed it down: “After May 20, energy and hope return. Especially if you have managed to let yourself go for a few days in the mild spring.” The Virgin will have the spotlight on her: “at the end of the month, with the Sun in Gemini, whether she likes it or not, she and her work could be in the spotlight or in any case you do not go unnoticed. Try to adopt a conciliatory attitude in society.” Everything will smile at him.

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