Astro Gemini: These zodiac signs are particularly similar

Astro Gemini
3 pairs of zodiac signs that are particularly similar

© Paolo Gallo / Adobe Stock

While we are all individuals, there are certain traits that are quite similar based on our zodiac sign.

We humans differ not only by our appearance, but also by our attitude towards life, ways of acting and many other factors. In astrology, much of this results from our date of birth and therefore also in which zodiac sign someone was born.

So whether we tend to be head people, wear our hearts on our sleeves or have a sensitive personality has to do with our hour of birth. Although the twelve zodiac signs have different characteristics, on closer inspection they also have certain similarities that cannot be denied.

These zodiac signs are particularly similar

1. Taurus and Scorpio

These two zodiac signs have one thing in their blood: fire. Similar character traits are therefore correspondingly distinctive in terms of their temperament. Their persistence and tendency to stubborn reactions are equally strong.

Give in? No way! Both zodiac signs insist on their point of view and have impressive staying power in this regard.

2. Virgo and Pisces

The earth sign Virgo and the water sign Pisces are probably the most opposite of the zodiac signs. But despite the contrast, both signs of the zodiac have one thing in common, which can be seen quite clearly at first glance: their pronounced sensitivity. Both signs of the zodiac tend to rethink everything several times – just classic head people.

3. Gemini and Libra

Here today, there tomorrow. Geminis are born masters at not making binding decisions. After all, another option could flutter in at any moment.

However, the twins are more than happy to hand over the baton to their astro doubles, the Libras. The chameleons among the zodiac signs, because their decision-making difficulties are under the same star as that of the twins. With them, however, the small but subtle difference is that they often agree to all options and lose sight of their time management as a result. As a result, they are torn in the sea of ​​options.


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