At 114 km/h in Vienna – the first racer now had to hand in his car

On Monday night, a speeder (28) was caught by the police on the Hernalser Gurtel in Vienna at a whopping 114 km/h. Not only was his driver’s license confiscated, but also his car. Since March 1st, speeders have also had their cars confiscated.

The speeder, who had a criminal record, was traveling too fast at more than 60 km/h less the measuring tolerance around 10:30 p.m. and had to give up his car. He was reported. Dangerous driving style During the dangerous speeding trip, the 28-year-old was driving too closely to another car and was constantly changing lanes. Stricter rules for those with a previous conviction. Basically, if the speed exceeds 80 km/h in the local area and 90 km/h, the vehicle will be arrested confiscated outside of town. However, this does not apply to repeat offenders. Here the approval by the officials applies at speeds of more than 60 km/h in the city.
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