At 15, he sets up a trap to arrest a pedophile


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A sexagenarian was sentenced to seven years in prison for pedocriminality, after being trapped by a 15-year-old teenager on the internet.

This Thursday, December 2, 2021, a man in his sixties, originally from Saint-Etienne in the Loire, was sentenced by the criminal court of Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire).
The Stéphanois was prosecuted for “sexual offers made to a minor, corruption of a minor and possession of child pornography”.

The facts with which he is accused took place in October 2020, when the man logged into a video chat application and began an exchange with a young boy who claimed to be 10 years old. In reality, it was a 15-year-old teenager from Arsac-en-Velay, in Haute-Loire, who, out of play and in order to preserve his anonymity, decides not to give a name, not to show his face and to take a childish voice.

Trapped by a teenager!

Quickly, the adult confided in his fondness for children, evoking experiences with very young people and masturbating in front of the camera of his computer. The pedophile, without hesitation, proposed a meeting with the child the following week in the aisles of the Center-Deux commercial area in Saint-Étienne, without making a secret of his intentions. This was without counting on the screenshots and recordings made by the teenager throughout the conversation, which he then took to the gendarmes. Then located by his IP address, the man was arrested at his home. On his computer, child pornography files were discovered.

Already condemned many times

When he came to the bar the president of the Puy-en-Velay criminal court, Nizar Samlal felt it necessary to dwell on the past of the accused in order to understand his personality: in 1994, he was indicted at the age of nine. imprisonment by the Assize Court of the Ardennes for sexual assault on a minor by ascendant or person in authority; in 2001 he was twelve years old for sexual assault on a minor by ascendant or person having authority; he also spent three years behind bars in 2010 for sexual assault on a minor; four months suspended in 2017 for not having reported his change of address (a mandatory step for people registered in the national file of perpetrators of sexual offenses); and in 2018 the man returned three years for bribery of a minor.
In total, the sixty-year-old had accumulated twenty-seven years in prison since 1994.
This time, the man was sentenced to seven years in prison with continued detention accompanied by socio-judicial monitoring.

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