At a speed of 230 km/h, the Airbus A321 has to brake and abort take-off

There was another near-disaster in air traffic in the USA. An Airbus A321 had to abort the start at New Orleans Airport due to another jet. This time, the tower staff seemed to be extra careful.

There have been several near-disasters in air traffic in the USA in recent months. Particularly common: situations in which aircraft overran hold lines on runways on which other aircraft were located.

In February, for example, an American Airlines Boeing 777 rolled over a runway at New York JFK Airport, on which a Delta Boeing 737 was just approaching. In March, the FAA issued a safety warning to airlines, urging them to take action to prevent further incidents.

At a speed of 230 km/h, the Airbus A321 has to brake and abort take-off

Now the next incident has happened. On March 31, a Delta Air Lines Airbus A321 had to abort take-off at New Orleans Airport. Flight DL-1482 was supposed to go to Salt Lake City. The jet, registration number N342DN, had clearance for take-off and accelerated. Then the order for demolition came from the tower.

At a speed of around 230 kilometers per hour, the crew braked the A321 and came to a standstill at around 1500 meters, as reported by the Aviation Herald portal, which specializes in incidents. The tower said another plane had overrun the stop line to the runway, it said.

FAA speaks of pure precaution

The FAA later announced that a Learjet had turned onto the wrong taxiway after landing. However, he did not cross the stop line. The air traffic controller revoked the take-off clearance as a purely precautionary measure.

This article was written by Timo Nowack

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