“At Home in the Mountains” star Catherine Bode: After a long separation, she is now divorced

“At Home in the Mountains” star Catherine Bode
After a long separation, she is now divorced

Actress Catherine Bode (middle) here on the set of “At Home in the Mountains”.

© ARD Degeto/Arvid Uhlig

“At Home in the Mountains” star Catherine Bode (49) is divorced. The actress confirms this in an interview with the magazine “Bunte”. “Well, now we’re divorced, we’ve been separated for three years and I’ve really come to terms with reality,” says the Mannheim native and Berliner by choice. “When we decided to separate, it was clear that it was the right thing to do and it was better for everyone,” she added.

Catherine Bode: There is a gap between “desire and reality”.

She only hints at how the separation came about: “How it is: A relationship begins because you have wishes and ideas. You get married, have children, buy a house. At some point it becomes clear that wishes and reality are far apart “Then there’s an unpleasant time when you try to keep everything going,” summarizes the mother of four.

Together with her now ex-husband, Catherine Bode had a son (born 2004), a daughter (born 2013) and twins (born 2016). In the meantime, the new everyday family life has apparently settled in: “Now we, as well-separated parents, live not far away from each other. He is still a great father. We live the alternating model. That means: really 50/50,” explains Bode.

Apparently there is no new love for her yet. “I’ll be open if it happens again. But at the moment I don’t feel like it,” she says.

The penultimate “At Home in the Mountains” film is called “Desire and Reality”

This all fits in a bit with the upcoming finale of the popular TV series “At Home in the Mountains”. The last two films – “Desire and Reality” and “Shoulder to Shoulder” – will be shown on May 10th and 17th at 8:15 p.m. on Das Erste.


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