“At least 23 bathing sites”, Emmanuel Macron assures that he will swim in the Seine

Will Parisians one day be able to swim in the Seine? This is what Emmanuel Macron says, who is ready to dive himself during the Paris Olympics, to be taken seriously.

According to Emmanuel Macron, the Seine will soon be deniable. This is not the first time that a president has made this promise to Parisians. As a reminder, in 1988, Jacques Chirac promised to swim in the Seine, a promise obviously not kept. But Emmanuel Macron intends to take up the challenge and make a splash in front of a witness during the Paris Olympics.

At least that’s what he said on February 29, during the inauguration of the Olympic village. “For Ile-de-France residents, we will have the Seine and the Marne which will have changed their face and use the next day. And that’s fantastic. What if I go swimming? And how, yeah!”, assured our President of the Republic. A promise made once again this Thursday, April 4 in Saint-Denis, during the inauguration of the Paris 2024 aquatic center.

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Emmanuel Macron promises to swim in the Seine

“The Seine and the Marne are swimmable, I could have said it during my speech, because it is also part of the acquired knowledge. We will have at least 23 bathing sites which will be consolidated on the Seine and the Marne. assures Emmanuel Macron. And when a journalist asked him if he really planned to swim in the Seine, Brigitte Macron’s husband replied: “I don’t usually joke about these things.”

By taking a quick look at the city of Paris websitewe see that the information is indeed announced. “From 2025, the Seine will open to swimming”, promises the city of Paris. We learn that the project to clean up the Seine started in 2015 and has already cost more than 1.4 billion euros. The bathing sites planned for 2025 are as follows:

  • Au Bras Marie (Parc des Rives de Seine, right bank)
  • At Bras de Grenelle, between the port of Grenelle and the banks of Île aux Cygnes (15th);
  • In Bercy, at the Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir, below Bercy Park (12th).

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Paris Olympics: Emmanuel Macron reacts to the controversy over Aya Nakamura

It’s not just the president’s swim in the Seine that is causing Internet users to react. The idea of ​​Aya Nakamura singing at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics sparked strong reactions. The singer then received numerous racist insults and Emmanuel Macron wanted to defend her.

Indeed, the President of the Republic declared that Aya Nakamura “perfectly at home at an opening or closing ceremony” and he wishes to see “to shine the spotlight on France in its diversity”. Before recalling that the singer is “one of the most streamed among French-speaking artists”. However, Emmanuel Macron is not the one who will have the last word since he clarified that he was not the artistic director of the Paris Olympics.

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