at least twenty-five Palestinians killed in Israeli bombings, according to a new report from the Gaza Strip government’s health ministry

Strikes in the North and explosions in the South, but a relatively calmer day in the Gaza Strip

On Monday, Israel carried out strikes on the north of the Gaza Strip and witnesses reported explosions in the south, but the situation there has been relatively calmer since the start of a humanitarian pause announced by the army in a sector of the South. However, she declared, Sunday morning, that there was “no cessation of fighting in the south of the Gaza Strip, and [que] the fighting in Rafah continues[ai]ent”. There “tactical break” daily of twelve hours, announced a little earlier, is only a local adjustment of the siege imposed on the enclave.

The army confirmed that the ” break ” was still in place on Monday but a manager reminded Agence France-Presse (AFP) that there was no “no change in Israeli army policy”, notably in Rafah. The army said on Monday that it continued to operate in Rafah and the central Gaza Strip, and was engaged in “close combat” with Palestinian fighters. Doctors at Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the northern Gaza City said five people were killed in two airstrikes.

Gaza civil defense spokesman Mahmoud Basal told AFP that the Israeli army carried out two nighttime strikes on an apartment and a house, leaving people dead, “including a child and an elderly man”. “The rest of the Gaza Strip is relatively calm”, he added. Tanks fired on areas east and south of Rafah, according to local officials. Witnesses reported explosions in the city. In the center, an airstrike targeted the Al-Boureij camp, according to residents.

There ” break ” observed locally aims “to allow the UN to collect and distribute more aid”declared Monday, at the Kerem Shalom checkpoint, a spokesperson for the Israeli authorities, Shimon Freedman. “More than 1,000 trucks” are on the Palestinian side, he commented, accusing international organizations “for not having taken the necessary measures” to ensure the distribution of aid.

The UN welcomed the Israeli announcement but called for this pause “lead to other concrete measures” to facilitate deliveries, and once again called for the lifting “from all obstacles” to the delivery of aid.

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