At the Fabien Roussel meeting: protectionism, peace and purchasing power

Thursday, March 10, at the Cirque d’hiver, the communist candidate presented his program in front of a crowd of activists in a trance. He returned to the war in Ukraine, purchasing power and highlighted protectionism and the nationalization of certain sectors of activity.

Human festival atmosphere at the Cirque d’Hiver. Standing around a table balanced on one foot, the PCF executives heated the room for more than an hour while waiting for their boss. All that was missing was “a good wine, a good meat, a good cheese” as the man who, for the past few months, has given a little life to this party which was getting old, dreary and dusty, would have said. Two defectors from the PS came to say hello: Emmanuel Maurel – former vice-president of the Ile-de-France Regional Council – and Marie-Noëlle Lienemann – senator. Then came Fabien Roussel, to the cheers of an already won over audience.

“We must dare to speak of peace. Dare to demand it in order to be able to make it win. The French are particularly worried. They see the war on television and arrive in their wallets” engaged the candidate before starting the second on the pension reform: “There is one who wants to retire at 65 years old. There are others – I’m not giving names, I’m not sure – who are already predicting, to prepare you psychologically, a liter of gasoline at three euros. What followed was a critique of warmongers, liberalism, and a eulogy of protectionism and peace. As Fabien Roussel explained: “We must do everything to regain our food sovereignty, our industrial and energy sovereignty, because we see how much we lack all of this to face this war. »

Declaring that his program was a tribute to the CNR (National Council of Resistance), he saluted the memory of its sixteen members before renaming his line “the CNR of 21th century: National Council for the Republic. To applause, the communist spoke of diversity, hope, and “a left sincerely at the service of the people.” In the service of peace. For peace, for bread, for freedom. He also added that it was urgent to demand a ceasefire in Ukraine, vilified Vladimir Putin who “attacked the sovereignty of Ukraine” and criticized journalists who did not want to see who was truly the Russian dictator, “the great treasurer of the French and European extreme right: they are not ashamed! »

He wants to nationalize two big banks and the insurance company AXA

Then came the themes of gas, oil and the purchasing power of the French: “The France of happy days [le nom de son programme] it is that of social justice, that which will put in place a special plan for the purchasing power of the French and which will also attack war profiteers. Fabien Roussel also hailed the Versailles summit by adopting a pro-European stance, “for peace first”. The candidate asked European countries to protect their populations from rising prices, then affirmed that he would put in place “the withholding tax so that no kopeck from a multinational goes to tax havens […] I will also ask to put an end to all the tax loopholes which have no use except to make enormous stock market capital gains. As for public aid, he revealed that they “will be conditional on the relocation of activity, the increase in wages, gender equality, environmental protection. »

Fabien Roussel bludgeoned that he wanted to nationalize “immediately” two large banks and the insurance company AXA “to find the means to act on the economy and help our businesses. The candidate then spoke of the Ehpads scandal, saying he wanted to protect the French, then paid tribute to the officials to shouts and applause.

The communist’s speech lasted more than an hour, without interruption: a triumph for the one who is today credited with 4.5% of voting intentions in the first round.

The great presidential oral

Two weeks before the ballot, the main candidates will respond on March 28, 2022 by participating in the “Grand oral de la presidentiale” organized by Europe 1, Le Journal du Dimanche and Paris Match. Which France and which Europe for tomorrow? The candidates will detail their proposals from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. and answer questions from the public. An appointment presented by Sonia Mabrouk with Bruno Jeudy and David Revault d’Allones.

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