At the Manoir du Tertre, in Paimpont, the shadow of the Nazi prophetess

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A couple with a baby who runs away in the middle of the night. Another who crosses a diligence which evaporates in the mist. Young women strangled in their sleep. A little girl who sees feet walking on the steps. There is no shortage of stories at the Manoir du Tertre, in Paimpont (Ille-et-Vilaine). Grégoire, the manager, scrupulously records them in a file. “But, since 2018, it has calmed down a lot. » Thanks, he says, to regular cleansing with holy water. “Me, it suits me, I flee this type of demonstration, even if I am not afraid of it”says this former stable manager, passionate about the paranormal, theology and the history of Freemasonry.

The guest house hosts mediums from France and elsewhere in all seasons, esoteric enthusiasts, youtubers and ghost hunters, but also passing travelers whom chance has pushed to this hill nestled in the heart of the Paimpont forest. , famous under the name of forest of Brocéliande. It is in these reputedly magical woods that Chrétien de Troyes located his Arthurian legend in the twelfthe century in his novel Yvain, the Lion Knight. Fountain of Youth, tomb of Merlin the enchanter, oak of the Hindrés… the forest attracts many tourists all year round, but also neodruids who come here to perform ancient rites and celebrations.

Located near the historic site of the old wood forges, the Manoir du Tertre is only about ten kilometers from the Church of the Grail, nicknamed Church of the Apocalypse, in Tréhorenteuc, on the way to the Val sans retour. A one-of-a-kind place, the work of Abbé Gillard, with its exceptional Stations of the Cross and its painting representing the Knights of the Round Table. The Universe here does not really turn round. Everything is astonishing, incredible, out of time. Simultaneously peaceful, mystical and sometimes disturbing.

The Manoir du Tertre, in Paimpont (Ille-et-Vilaine), seen from the garden, April 13, 2023.

In this beautiful sandstone and shale building, with its slate roof and large windows, almost everything has remained as it was in the 1950s. In this strange and outdated atmosphere, old black and white photos, exhibited in the living room, are quickly reminiscent of these holiday clichés, in Stanley Kubrick’s film shining (1980), with those frozen smiles that lead Jack Nickolson ever further into his madness. Grégoire, himself, does not look out of place in these places and likes to maintain the mystery. Helpful and hands-on, the biker, who lives on site, struggles daily to keep the house and the garden. And willingly delivers a host of historical anecdotes about “his” mansion.

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