at the Sorbonne, students invest and block access to the university

Several dozen students gathered Monday, April 29 at midday at the Sorbonne University in Paris, inside the building but also outside, for mobilization in favor of the Palestinian cause, after a similar action at Sciences Po last Friday, noted Agence France-Presse (AFP).

“There is no longer any entry possible” in the buildings since around noon, the communication from the University of Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne informed AFP, specifying that “the Sorbonne will be closed this afternoon by decision of the rectorate”. According to the Paris rectorate, around thirty activists gathered inside the Sorbonne, where nine tents were set up in the courtyard and three in the hall, and a Palestinian flag placed on the ground. “The lecture theaters were evacuated around noon and exams were canceled”we added.

French police stand in position as students block the entrance to Sorbonne University in support of Palestinians in Gaza, April 29, 2024.

“Israel murderer, Sorbonne accomplice” Or “Don’t look at us, join us” sang students gathered in front of the Sorbonne, where around one hundred and fifty people were gathered, notably in the presence of the “rebellious” deputy Louis Boyard, AFP noted. “We are here following the call of Harvard and Columbia students”declared Lorélia Fréjo, student at Paris-1 and activist of the student organization Le Poing Levé. “After the actions at Sciences Po, we are here to keep it going”.

Friday, a day of blockage and mobilization, punctuated by tensions, was held at Sciences Po Paris, in the presence of several deputies from La France insoumise.

The World with AFP

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