“At the start of the school year, I fell from the top”: Maud, winner of the Best Pastry Chef, recounts her difficult return to school

Maud won the tenth season of the Best pastry chef this Thursday, December 30 on M6. But how did this high school student juggle between classes and filming the show? She explains to us.

She is a real pastry UFO. This is how the pastry chef Christophe Michalak, invited for this grand final of the Best pastry chef. At only 16 years old, Maud became the youngest winner in the history of the pastry competition of the six. She can boast of an exemplary career. Chef Christelle Brua, who is none other than the pastry chef at the Elysée Palace, even offered her an internship! “I was very touched and flattered, but I don’t want to quit my studies just yet so I don’t plan to follow through“, she explained to us in an interview that she gave us. For the purposes of the shooting, Maud had to be absent for long weeks from high school. She explains that the start of the September 2021 school year was particularly difficult for her.

“No one in my class knew where I was”

In order to be able to participate in the competition, Maud obtained an authorization from her establishment: “I had explained the situation to the management of my school. As I had rather good results, they told me that there was no problem, I could participate in the show, that did not affect my appearance in the premiere.“She explains to us. Reassured, she was able to fully embark on the adventure. Only, catching up with all these lessons was not easy for her:”During the filming, I saw the delay accumulate, the homework that I did not do … No one in my class knew where I was (the classes were held in half-gauge at the time, editor’s note)“, she adds.

A difficult return to reality

Obviously, she had to catch up: “The school had told me that I would have to catch up during the holidays. Except that we had to write a cookbook, after the victory in The Best Pastry Chef. “She admits the return to reality was brutal:”at the start of the school year, I fell from a height“, she remembers. This pastry prodigy does not mean to put aside her studies:”I’m continuing high school, for safety. Stop before the ferry, it’s hot. I have always had good results, I tell myself that I will not give up everything now. If, after the baccalaureate, I have an activity that satisfies me, maybe I will not continue with higher studies“, she emphasizes.

A thousand and one pastry projects

Obviously, it is teeming with projects: “I still suffer. I’m lucky, because, on the networks, it works pretty well for me. I am working on a collaboration with a pastry shop to be able to sell one of my creations very soon. I have created my website, where I offer my recipes, and there is the book that is coming. I would also like to find a way to offer training to pass on what I know to passionate people like me.“In short, this little one has a future!

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