at the trial in rue Erlanger, the story of the horror

It has been a few days since the trial for the fire in rue Erlanger began. This Tuesday, February 14, a chilling exchange between a victim, his mother and a firefighter was read before the Paris Assize Court, causing the excitement of all those present.

The trial of the fire in rue Erlanger continues, Essia Boularès is accused of having intentionally set fire to this building at 17 bis rue Erlanger which caused the death of 10 people. It was on the night of February 4 to 5, 2019 after an altercation with her neighbor that this woman committed this irreparable act. For several days the victims and relatives of the victims have followed one another at the bar of the Paris Assize Court and have delivered many harrowing stories. This Tuesday, February 14, it is the last 49 minutes of the life of this young auctioneer’s clerk, Adele Gorbachev, which are told in front of the whole court.

Long minutes during which the young woman stayed on the line with her mother, Pascale Gorbachev, and a firefighter from the call center. Living on the 8th floor of the burning building, the young woman tries by all means to survive the flames. The bereaved mother’s lawyer begins the chilling account of this discussion. “Hello sir, my daughter’s house is on fire“, she said, reproducing the exact words of Pascale Gorbachev this evening of February 4, 2019 when she contacted the Paris firefighters rescue center. After a very short exchange, the firefighter replies:We’ll call him. She has to stay at home, we’ll call her“. This is when this three-way conversation starts which will freeze everyone present.

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“There are all the windows that break in my house”

As the flames continue to advance and occupy the common areas of the building, Pascale Gorbachev does not let go of her phone and stays online with her daughter and the firefighter. Adele Gorbachev lives in a small 35 m2 studio on the 8th floor of the building at the end of the long corridor distributing the entrances to the different apartments, her only escape: her large balcony. “There are all the windows that blow up in my houseshe says on the phone, to which her mom responds to the firefighter.Don’t you think she would fear less if she climbed on the roof“.

But unfortunately the firefighter from the call center online with Adèle advises her instead to stay sheltered on the balcony and not to take the risk of going up on the roof. “Stay on the balcony, stay on the balcony and protect yourself with the sheet. Madam, protect yourself with the sheet. Protect your face with the blanket.» He insists on the phone. Her mother, who arrived at the scene of the tragedy since she lives only a few minutes walk from her daughter’s house, is present without being able to intervene in the ordeal that her daughter is going through. “There I’m going to die, I’m going to die, there’s fire, I’m stuck” attests the young woman, “help, help meshe insists.

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A daughter’s last words to her mother

The apartment of the young woman in the grip of the flames begins to collapse, still taking refuge on the balcony wrapped in her sheet and with one of her three cats that she was able to take with her, she knows that her minutes are counted. It is from this moment when she hears her two other cats howling that the young woman vacillates between moments of pure panic and full consciousness. “I’m sorry for you mom, it’s over for me, it’s okay mom, I was very happyshe resigns herself in line with her mother. “But no, they are therePascale desires,It doesn’t matter mom, I lived what I wanted to live…she replies. “Honey no, stay on the line sweetie, stay on the line, honey pleasecries Pascale Gorbachev. An exchange that she cannot hear more than four years after the tragedy and leaves the room.

While the firefighter on the line with Adele tries to reassure her by assuring her that her colleagues are very close, she screams “Mom they have to come get me now I’m going to die, mom I’m on fire, I’m on fire.These are appalling cries that the whole court hears as well as the accused behind his box who seems clearly struck by this exchange. A neighbor of Adèle, Laurent, testifies and also attests to having heard the cries of the young woman. Being the first occupant of the building to take refuge on the roof, he helps another of his neighbors also living on the 8th floor to climb up with him. “We were above Adele’s apartment. She stayed at the balcony level wrapped in a blanket, in PLS, she didn’t want to move“, he said before adding, “She must have lost consciousness from the smoke, she then woke up and the flames came upon her“.

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“It was impossible to save everyone”

A few days earlier, a firefighter at the helm admitted: “It was impossible to save everyone”. But why didn’t the young woman take refuge on the roof like the others? Especially since three years earlier she had already had to deal with a fire that had started at one of her neighbors and since then she had procured a ladder to be able to access the roof. His mother, Pascale Gorbachev, provides some answers: “My daughter had an aura for firefighters. She told me “they give their lives for others, they die in the most atrocious conditions”. I am convinced that it played an absolutely decisive role, she trusted 100%.She adds overwhelmed with grief and in tears:At no point in the conversation did she doubt that what the firefighter said was not entirely true, or even entirely untrue“.

The people? Everyone! Passionate about media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it is natural that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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