at what age, characteristics, symptoms?

Before menopause, women go through a premenopausal hormonal transition period. At what age does it occur, what are the characteristics and symptoms? We tell you everything about premenopause.

Premenopause (or perimenopause) is a transition period during which hormonal changes take place and disrupt the menstrual cycle. In other words, the production of estrogen and progesterone gradually decreases until you reach menopause. Premenopause usually occurs around 40-45 years old and can last for several years, during which most women suffer from numerous constricting symptoms.

While some women only experience the symptoms of this transition period a few years before reaching menopause, others may suffer from it for more than a decade. Symptoms can vary from woman to woman, including irregular periods, hot flashes, mood disorder, sleeping troubles, night sweats, urinary weakness, weight gain, decreased libido and vaginal dryness. We tell you all about the most common symptoms of premenopause.

Irregular rules

During premenopause, the menstrual cycle may show signs of disruption. Due to hormonal imbalance, periods become irregular and may even occasionally disappear, reappear and last for several days. Bleeding may also be heavier or lighter, and premenstrual pain may be particularly painful.

Hot flushes and sleep disturbances and night sweats

Hot flashes are among the most common symptoms of premenopause. They are characterized by a sensation of intense heat, during the day or at night and can be accompanied by chills, sweats or redness. Associated with hormonal changes, hot flashes and night sweats can have an impact on the quality of sleep.

Mood disorder

Hormonal disturbances linked to the premenopausal period also cause disturbances in serotonins. Also called “happiness hormone“, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that acts on the nervous system and induces different actions, particularly in the regulation of certain behaviors such as mood or emotionality. It therefore risks making you more emotionally sensitive. Women in transition can then have mood disorders ranging from irritability to depression.Sometimes difficult to manage, it is recommended to be followed by a professional at the first signs.

Urinary weakness

During premenopause, the drop in estrogen levels in women can lead to weakness in the bladder, which loses elasticity, which can even lead to urinary leakage. It is possible to fight against these weaknesses by carrying out daily exercises to strengthen the perineum.

Weight gain

In most cases, premenopause is accompanied by weight gain. Estrogen levels drop, energy expenditure and insulin resistance decrease, and metabolism weakens. All of these factors promote weight gain for premenopausal women. It is advisable to eat healthy and practice regular physical activity.

Decreased libido and vaginal dryness

As the hormone level decreases, the vaginal walls become thinner and less lubricated. As a result, hormonal changes lead to vaginal dryness and loss of libido, even going so far as to alter sexual intercourse, which can be painful.

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