At what age did Brigitte Macron retire?

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While the debates around the pension reform desired by Emmanuel Macron and carried by Elisabeth Borne are raging, some are wondering at what age did Brigitte Macron retire?

Pension reform is at the heart of all debates. The reform, desired by Emmanuel Macron, was brought by Elisabeth Borne, whose future at Matignon seems uncertain. The Prime Minister decided, on Thursday March 16, to trigger article 49.3 of the Constitution to pass the text which involves major changes for women. According to various surveys, the pension reform is highly criticized in public opinion, among the stars, and the various demonstrations show that the challenge is not weakening. While the legal retirement age will be raised from 62 to 64 with the pension reform, many are wondering at what age Brigitte Macron, the wife of Emmanuel Macron, retired. Information that was revealed in the biography Madame President (2019), written by journalists Ava Djamshidi and Nathalie Shuck.

It was in June 2015 that Brigitte Macron announced to the management of Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague high school, also commonly known as Franklin high school, that she would not be part of the teaching staff at the start of the school year. “She was then 62 years oldthe legal retirement age”, recall the journalists. Remember that Brigitte Macron started teaching “in the mid 80s”, she was then in her thirties. Mother of 3 children, she taught at La Providence high school in Amiens, where she met Emmanuel Macron and at Saint-Louis de Gonzague high school, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris. Previously, she had beenrepresentative for Renault” And “press officer of the Chamber of Commerce of the Nord-Pas-De-Calais region”, explain the journalists.

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Brigitte Macron, eternal support of Emmanuel Macron

Working has always been obvious to Brigitte Macron, who “never imagined idle housewife maintained by a banker husband” can we read in the book. If she did not imagine perhaps retiring in 2015, it is to support Emmanuel Macron that she does it. She retired a few months after the appointment of Emmanuel Macron as Minister of the Economy. When she leaves education, he already harbors presidential ambitions and Brigitte Macron then puts herself in working order, behind her husband.

It was together that they entered the Elysée Palace in 2017, she is on all the trips and campaign meetings, in meetings at the candidate’s HQ, behind the scenes of television shows. “Brigitte is a bit like me and vice versa. She is essential to me” had entrusted the candidate Emmanuel Macron to Paris Match. In August 2016, when Emmanuel Macron started his campaign, he thanked his wife in front of his team at Bercy, recalls The world. “She’s part of this firm”, assumes the candidate. Together they fought the battle.

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