at what age do Muslim children start fasting?

Started on March 11, Ramadan is practiced each year in France by Muslims for one month. This very special period involves not eating during the day. But does this custom involve children and from what age are they affected?

Ramadan is a religious practice falling within one of the five pillars of Islam. Among them are prayer, profession of faith, almsgiving and pilgrimage to Mecca. This event lasts a month and consists of depriving yourself of drinking and eating from sunrise to sunset. Apart from saliva, nothing should be swallowed otherwise it will break the fast. In addition to not eating, Muslims must be exemplary during this period of devotion. No profanity should be uttered and no sexual activity should be practiced. The goal of this month of devotion is to do some introspection work on oneself by being more humble, generous and attentive to others than usual.

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More than a worship, it is a period of sharing and celebration which aims to unite all Muslims. This idea of ​​depriving oneself of food aims to provide support to the poorest but also to celebrate the revelation of the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad during the “Night of Destiny”.

Who is concerned ?

Considered obligatory for all practicing Muslims, Ramadan however has some exceptions. During their menstrual period, women cannot fast and are therefore obliged to postpone certain days of their fast to the rest of the year. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also exempt from this fasting period as well as the elderly or sick.

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Children are not affected by Ramadan until they reach puberty. Indeed, the Koran stipulates that Ramadan concerns all those who have reached the Muslim majority, that is to say puberty. On average, a child reaches Muslim maturity between the ages of 10 and 13. However, it is not forbidden to introduce your child to fasting before reaching the age of majority. The important thing is to adjust it to your needs. For this, it is recommended to make the child fast once a week or to allow him to drink in return. This lightened fast is often appreciated by Muslim families who consider it easier to start fasting when the child reaches adulthood.

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Is it dangerous to fast your child?

Even if it is adjusted, health specialists do not recommend fasting for a child because it could affect their growth and cause deficiencies. “Fasting is not recommended for children under 10 years old, as it could affect their growth.” explain pediatrician Lali Tami in the media Parents. Before trying the experiment, it is therefore recommended to ensure the state of health of your child so that the latter does not experience vagal discomfort or hypoglycemia. In addition, it is important to monitor your child when fasting and not to make them exert themselves or do any physical activity. “If they realize that he is becoming tired or unable to continue his day peacefully, they must absolutely push him to stop the fast immediately while explaining the causes to him.” alarms the pediatrician.

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Even if the child wishes to support his parents in the fasting process, it is important to keep in mind that the child is still young and that this can cause him sleep and eating disorders and thus directly impact his health. physical or his concentration at school. This is why it is important to be attentive to the needs of the child and to ensure that he eats a balanced diet during this period of devotion.

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