At what age do you start to look like your mother?


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According to science, there is indeed an age from which one begins to resemble one’s mother morally.

If in adolescence, we try not to look like our parents, there is a time when that ends up happening. And it’s science that says it. According to a British study by cosmetic surgeon Dr Julian De Silva, women start to look like their mothers from their 30s. To reach this conclusion, he interviewed approximately 2,000 women and men.

Most of the women surveyed (52%) claim that they started behaving like the one who raised them in their early thirties. The main reason ? The arrival of motherhood. Thanks to this observation, the surgeon estimated that we begin to mimic the personality of our parents around 33 years old, the average age at which women give birth to their first child in Great Britain. In France it is 31 years old, as points out Femina Version. “We all become like our parents at some point in our lives, and this is something we should celebrate. Becoming parents in turn is the main reason for this, but lifestyle factors are also important.“, explained Dr De Silva to the british version of Marie-Claire.

Is physical resemblance an important factor?

The surgeon pushes his observation even further: according to him, there is a correlation between the physical resemblance to our parents and the behavior we adopt. Indeed, the more we resemble our parents, the more we begin to act like them. “It’s an inevitable part of aging, but a process that many people want to delay as long as possible.“, he always declared to Marie-Claire.

For men, this phenomenon appears to be around 34, the average age at which they experience fatherhood for the first time. The signs that they are starting to act like their father? Switching off the lights in empty rooms (we have all heard the famous phrase “It’s not Versailles here”), the evolution of musical tastes and political opinions.

On the other hand, of all the people questioned, men and women combined, 26% assured that they had not changed their behavior before 35/40 years and 10% believe that this phenomenon happened between 40 and 50 years.

Maylis Casse

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