Atkins diet: this is how the method works

The Atkins diet largely avoids carbohydrates to lose weight. Instead, fat and protein are on the menu without limit.

What is the Atkins diet?

The Atkins diet is one of the low-carb diets. This means that carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, rice and sugar are largely avoided in order to lose weight quickly. Instead, high-fat foods and proteins are recommended on the diet. The goal is the condition of the so-called ketosis: in this fat is burned with maximum efficiency through an accelerated metabolism. In total, 40 to 45 percent fats, 40 percent proteins and 15 to 20 percent carbohydrates are to be absorbed in the diet.

What is the Atkins Diet?

When inventor Robert Atkins published his first diet book in the 1970s, the motto was: Fat and protein, for example from meat and fish, can be eaten indefinitely; carbohydrates over five grams are not allowed in any form. At least in the first 14 days of the weight loss cure.

Later Atkins adapted his theory again and allowed a carbohydrate amount of 20 grams per day in the first diet phase. Vitamins and minerals, which are otherwise taken in the form of fruit, should be given to the body through additional preparations. The reason: carbohydrates are metabolized differently by our body than fat. This means that high-fat diets plus carbohydrates promote fat storage in our body.

If the carbohydrates are simply left out, as is the case with the Atkins diet, fat burning is boosted instead of fat storage. The proteins also ensure that the feeling of satiety lasts longer after eating. It happens that the energy that we basically gain from the fat is burned directly and we reduce our weight.

What foods should I avoid on the Atkins diet?

Since the Atkins diet focuses primarily on fat and protein, carbohydrate-rich foods have been removed from the menu. These include:

  • White flour products like bread
  • Potatoes
  • rice
  • Noodles
  • Desserts such as cakes and cookies, and sweets
  • fruit and vegetables

The exception for vegetables: Leaf lettuce may be eaten – because it has hardly any carbohydrates and consists primarily of water. Low-carb recipes can help shape everyday life with the Atkins diet.

How does the Atkins diet work?

As a general rule the Atkins diet focuses on the property of metabolism, preferably producing energy from carbohydrates in food. If the body lacks carbohydrates, it goes to its reserves – the so-called glycogen stores, which are located in the muscles and liver. Glycogen binds water, which is the reason why a lot of water is excreted at the beginning of the Atkins diet and thus significantly loses weight. If the glycogen stores are empty, the body uses stored fat and proteins to gain energy.

Ketosis as a target of the Atkins diet

However, the fat itself cannot be used – instead, the fatty acids in the liver are converted into so-called ketone bodies. These always arise when the body is fasting. A high concentration of ketone bodies in the blood is said to inhibit appetite, but is also noticeable in the form of bad breath. This arises because acetone is formed as a by-product when the fatty acids are converted into ketone bodies.

The phases of the Atkins diet

There are four phases to the Atkins diet, the last phase is about maintaining weight permanently and long term. The best thing about the theory: we don't have to count calories!

Phase 1 the Atkins diet takes at least two weeks to allow the body to get used to the change in diet. Fish, meat, eggs and soy products are allowed, but not dairy products such as cheese. The allowed amount of carbohydrates (20 grams) should be in the form of lettuce and water-containing vegetables, bread is also strictly prohibited.

Phase 2 is the basic reduction diet according to Atkins: After the rather one-sided introductory phase, the program now focuses on nutrient-rich carbohydrates in the form of vegetables, nuts, berries and legumes. The amount of carbohydrates can be increased by five grams per week. If you no longer lose weight, you have to reduce the amount of carbohydrates again by five grams.

Phase 3 is the phase of the Atkins diet in which weight loss is slowly but surely stagnating. The amount of carbohydrates is increased by 10 grams every week, and on two days of the week around 20 to 30 grams of food with a high nutrient density can be added to the diet.

Phase 4: Those who have arrived here ideally have already reached their desired weight. In this lifelong maintenance diet, the selection of permitted foods increases drastically: vegetables, fish and fruits are part of the daily diet. Pasta and potatoes are still only permitted in exceptional cases.

Is the Atkins Diet Healthy?

Nutrition experts and medical professionals have long been critical of Robert Atkins' diet. The reason for this is the one-sidedness of the food, especially in the early days. The same applies to all low carb diets. The Atkins diet can also have the following disadvantages:

  • The one-sided diet can lead to deficiency symptoms
  • Deterioration of good cholesterol
  • The high fat content of foods can increase blood lipid levels
  • Risk of cardiovascular diseases is increased, as a study shows
  • The high protein intake can put too much strain on the kidneys
  • Bone health disorders are possible

Apart from the potential health disadvantages of the Atkins diet, it is also not one of the concepts that can be easily maintained. The one-sided diet quickly leads to cravings for the prohibited foods such as sweets, but also fruits and vegetables. Long-term success is unlikely precisely because, according to Atkins, one should eat this way permanently. The diet also does not meet the requirements of the German Nutrition Society, which recommends eating at least 650 grams of fruit and vegetables daily.

Conclusion of the Atkins diet

Various studies indicate that the Atkins diet can help you lose weight, but the diet is not recommended. The concept does not rely on a balanced diet, because you eat too little carbohydrates and too much fat and protein. It can also lead to health problems.

Reading tips: You want even more help with losing weight, to reach your bikini figure, for example? Then take a look at our articles Losing Weight Tips, Losing Weight Without Diet, Losing Weight Without Hunger and Losing Weight Without Exercise.


Leitzmann, C. et al .: Nutrition in Prevention and Therapy, 2nd edition, Hippokrates Verlag, 2003

DGE: fruits and vegetables. It's the amount that matters (accessed on July 30, 2020)

Hauner, H .: Risks of low-carbohydrate diets, Deutsches Ärzteblatt, vol. 102, issue 11, March 18, 2005: A750-A751