Attachment therapist shares things she wouldn’t do with her own kids

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Attachment therapist shares things she wouldn’t do with her own kids

More and more childhood experts are sharing advice on social networks related to their own experience as parents. Recently a psychologist revealed the phrase he never says to his offspring. A pediatrician, too, warned against the 5 dangerous activities that he did not make his children do. Spoiler: in number 1, the trampoline. So many recommendations that we listen to with great attention because these specialists have seen children pass through their offices.

Today, she’s an attachment bond therapist running rampant on Tik Tok under the name of @boredom_therapist which describes describes the parental behaviors it banishes. Kendyl helps children and adults develop healthy attachments. People who received secure attachment in childhood grow up with all the resources necessary for emotional, cognitive and behavioral stability.

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The 5 unacceptable things according to the therapist

Spanking is never okay.
The first thing this therapist won’t do with her kids is spanking. As she says, “spanking is a form of abuse.” And there should be no debate about it.

Tell the kids not to cry
Crying is normal. “It’s a way of expressing emotions and it completes the cycle of stress.” A child should not hide his emotions, it is up to the parent, on the contrary, to help him express them.

Third thing that the therapist denounces, the phenomenon of parentification of the child. Parentification is a harmful process in which children are forced to take on the emotional needs of their parents or siblings.

“You make me ashamed”
The specialist points to humiliation, which is never a solution to make children aware of their problematic behaviors.

“It’s like that, it’s because I decided it”
Finally, it’s another wording that Kendyl advises against “because it doesn’t teach children to be critical thinkers.” Any decision must be explained in a language accessible to children.

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