Attack from boat, then on foot: AfD politician attacked several times in Lower Saxony

Attack from boat, then on foot
AfD politicians in Lower Saxony attacked several times

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A man and a woman drive a boat past an AfD information stand in Nordhorn and throw eggs. A little later they emerge on foot. An AfD member of the state parliament wants to confront her. According to police, the man then punched the politician in the face.

According to police, an AfD member of the state parliament was attacked at an information stand in Nordhorn in Lower Saxony. A 29-year-old first drove past the AfD stand in a boat with a woman, and both threw eggs in the direction of the stand and the MP, the police said in a statement.

However, the eggs initially missed their target. About half an hour later, the two people returned to the stand on foot and wearing masks, it said. The 29-year-old from Nordhorn aimed again with an egg and hit the politician in the head. When he wanted to confront the accused, he insulted him and hit him in the face. The deputy was slightly injured. The police did not say which AfD member of the state parliament it was.

“The 29-year-old will receive a criminal complaint for dangerous bodily harm and insult,” said a spokeswoman for the Emsland/County of Bentheim police station. Nothing was initially known about the identity of his companion.

In Saxony, attacks on SPD members and the Greens

The AfDler is not the only politician who was recently attacked. In Dresden, the Saxon MEP Matthias Ecke was attacked and seriously injured by four unknown people while posting posters yesterday Friday evening. The group of perpetrators beat the 41-year-old, as the police and the party said. He had to undergo surgery in the hospital. A few minutes before the attack, according to the police, a group of four had already attacked a 28-year-old campaign worker for the Green Party who was also posting posters.

The perpetrators beat and kicked him, and he was also injured. The state security investigators assume that the perpetrators are the same because of the matching descriptions of the people and the proximity in time and location. Both incidents occurred in the middle-class Striesen district, which is primarily characterized by its old villas.

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