Attack from Ukraine?: Russian Belgorod reports launch of rockets

Attack from Ukraine?
Russian Belgorod reports launch of missiles

According to Ukrainian sources, Russia shelled dozens of settlements within 24 hours. Apparently there are civilian casualties again. However, Russia does not seem to be really safe either. The governor of Belgorod reports that three rockets have been launched.

According to authorities in the border area with Ukraine, the Russian air defense system shot down three rockets over the city of Belgorod. The governor of Belgorod, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said during the night that some debris and fragments had fallen in the inhabited area. A girl was slightly injured by broken glass. Several homes were damaged by the debris.

Gladkow said nothing about the origin of the missiles. In the past, he and the authorities in the regions of Bryansk and Kursk, which are also close to the border, have repeatedly complained about shelling from the Ukrainian side.

Belgorod Mayor Valentin Demidov said residents of the damaged houses were advised to stay in a hotel. The repair work should therefore begin on Wednesday. “Essentially windows and roofs are damaged and there is damage to cars.” A total of eleven hit houses was mentioned.

According to Russian information, the border area is repeatedly fired at from the Ukrainian side. Since the beginning of the war on February 24 last year, civilians have died again and again and many people have been injured.

Dozens of attacks on Ukraine

Meanwhile, according to Ukrainian sources, Russia has shelled dozens of settlements on the Eastern Front in the past 24 hours. A missile attack on civilian infrastructure in the Cherson region resulted in civilian casualties, the Ukrainian military said. There has been increased fighting on the Eastern Front for weeks.

Meanwhile, the military command staff in Ukraine unanimously decided to defend eastern Ukraine and the besieged city of Bakhmut. “The focus was on Bakhmut,” said President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the night. The entire staff had also spoken out in favor of inflicting the greatest possible casualties on the Russians.

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