Attack in Paris: in police custody, the terrorist “totally accepts and takes responsibility for his actions”

William Molinié with AFP / Photo credit: DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP
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10:32 a.m., December 5, 2023

Still in police custody, the terrorist, who killed a young German-Filipino tourist and injured two other people near the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Saturday, declared “to fully assume and take responsibility for his action”. “Everything suggests that he acted alone,” indicates a source close to the investigation.

The author of the knife attack which left one dead and two injured on Saturday near the Eiffel Tower “fully accepts and takes responsibility for his actions” and “everything suggests that he acted alone”, indicated Monday to AFP a source close to the investigation. While in police custody, he said he acted in “reaction to the persecution of Muslims around the world”. He appears “very cold, clinical and disembodied”, added this source.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, for his part insisted on Monday on the “failure” in the psychiatric follow-up of this young radical Islamist. He was arrested after the attack which caused the death of a young German-Filipino tourist and injured two other people, Saturday around 9:30 p.m. near the Bir-Hakeim bridge (15th arrondissement).

“An injunction for care”

Four people – the alleged perpetrator, members of his family and his entourage – were still in police custody as of Monday noon, we learned from the anti-terrorism prosecution. “There was clearly a psychiatric failure, the doctors considered on several occasions that he was better,” said Gérald Darmanin on BFMTV about the young man, radicalized since 2015 and subject to a treatment order involving psychiatric monitoring. tightened and controlled by a coordinating doctor.

Anti-terrorism prosecutor Jean-François Ricard indicated on Sunday evening that the attacker, listed for Islamist radicalization (FSPRT), was “subject to a treatment order involving tight psychiatric monitoring and controlled by a coordinating doctor” until the end of probation on April 26, 2023, after a new psychiatric assessment.

This new expertise had been requested by the Pnat (National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office) in view of “the evolution of certain psychiatric disorders already noted during his detention”, specified Jean-François Ricard. “There is someone mentally ill, who no longer takes medication to treat his delusions and who undoubtedly acts out. We must think about all of this to protect the French,” insisted the Minister of the Interior .

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