Attack in Tel Aviv: Israeli Prime Minister gives his forces “total freedom” to act

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Friday April 8 that he had given his forces a “total freedom of action” for “defeat the terror“, the day after a deadly attack perpetrated by a Palestinian in the heart of Tel Aviv.

We give complete freedom of action to the army, to the Shin Bet (internal intelligence) and to all the security forces in order to defeat terror. There are no, and there will be no limits to this warNaftali Bennett said during a press briefing alongside Defense Minister Benny Gantz. “Israel is the most powerful country in the region. Our enemies know it (…) The armed forces and other security agencies will use all necessary defensive and offensive capabilities to stem this wave of terrorism“said Benny Gantz.

Since March 22, Israel has been hit by four attacks, two carried out by Israeli Arabs linked to the jihadist organization Islamic State, and two by Palestinians from Jenin, an area in the north of the occupied West Bank considered a stronghold of the factions. Palestinian armies. In the latest attack on Thursday evening, a Palestinian opened fire in the center of the Tel Aviv metropolis, killing two Israelis and injuring several others. In the aftermath, the security forces conducted a manhunt all night and killed the assailant Friday morning after an exchange of fire, according to the police.

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