Attacks also in Odessa: Ukraine: Russians attack port facilities on the Danube

Attacks also in Odessa
Ukraine: Russians attack port facilities on Danube

Since Moscow announced the end of the grain agreement, the Russian military has primarily targeted the Black Sea ports in Odessa. During the night, Kremlin troops attack several ports on the Danube, which are only a few hundred meters from NATO territory.

According to Ukraine, Russia has attacked targets along the Danube. “Russian terrorists again attacked the Odessa region during the night. Port facilities on the Danube are the target this time,” wrote the region’s governor, Oleh Kiper, on Telegram. videos on social media should show how there should have been an explosion at the port of Reni. The Ukrainian city is on the border with NATO member Romania.

After the agreement on the export of Ukrainian grain expired, Russia increasingly attacked the Odessa region on the Black Sea with drones and rockets. Waterways like the Danube have thus become more important as alternative routes.

According to official information, a total of three people were injured in renewed drone attacks during the night. The air defense repelled some drones, but there were also hits in Danube ports, said the Army Office South. Three dockers were injured, spokeswoman Natalya Humenyuk said. A grain elevator and several other warehouses at a port were damaged.

The city of Odessa itself has come under fire again and again since the end of the Black Sea Agreement. On the night of Sunday there were hits in the old town, which has been declared a World Heritage Site, and the Russian Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration was badly damaged. At least one person was killed and more than 20 were injured.

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