Audio porn, or how to get off with your ears

Smiling, Nadja admits it bluntly: “The discovery of audio porn liberated my relationship with autoeroticism. » Diving in “relational impasse” at the time of confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2020, this 30-year-old musician, then reluctant to indulge in solitary pleasures, bravely ” THE taboo that still weighs on female masturbation » by sailing, for the first time, on “tubes” – an expression referring to the platforms of free online porn giants, such as YouPorn. Problem: display ” aggressive ” to advertisements “uncomfortable”through the videos “phallocentric”, everything acts as a repellent to him. So that, after several attempts “unsuccessful”the Toulouse woman faces the facts: “Something was stuck, as if these sites weren’t aimed at me. »

With his back to the wall, our music lover hopes to unearth a ” Plan B “ on the side of classical music – for a result “heartbreaking” –, before opening the doors to audio porn. “What a slap! Instead of being held captive by degrading images, I was taken towards respectful scenarios by a crescendo of voice and rhythm. With, as a result, a bouquet of guaranteed guilt-free orgasms! », she replays under her breath, amused. While putting our finger on the ambition common to all audio porn platforms, which have been emerging for several years: to renew from above the X industry, splashed, in France, by scandals involving pillars of the industry , like the production company Marc Dorcel or the Jacquie et Michel site, making ethics their main focus. A ” revolution “, in the eyes of our follower. Even if the intricacy between auditory solicitation and sexual stimulation is nothing new.

Also read the survey: Article reserved for our subscribers Sexual violence in porn: the Jacquie and Michel system told by its victims

“From primitive cinematographic devices of the 19th century to Minitel, each medium quickly became the target of sexualized investmentrecalls sociologist Fred Pailler, research engineer at the Sorbonne. It’s no surprise that the explosion of podcasts has given rise to a porn version. But let’s not forget that audio had already served as an erotic medium. » First in the 1930s, during which “the voice of the switchboard operators was the object of fantasies”then during the 1990s, with “a pricing of conversations of a sexual nature”. The “pink phone” represented a lucrative business, fueled by “entrepreneurs who employed their “facilitators” to charge people looking for meetings or erotic exchanges by the minute”.

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