August Brooksbank: Sweet birthday greetings from his mother Eugenie

Princess Eugenie
Heartwarming birthday wishes for her son August Brooksbank

Princess Eugenie with son August Brooksbank.

© Dana Press

August Brooksbank celebrates its second birthday! And not with much fanfare — child-friendly, the 2-year-old tap-dances with all his heart on a trip. Mama Eugenie shared the sweet clip on Instagram.

Princess Eugenie, 32, shares her mother’s happiness with her followers on Instagram. The son of her and Jack Brooksbank, 36, is already celebrating his second birthday – and that in the context of the family. The short birthday clip shows Augie, 2, as his mother lovingly calls him, without much pomp and luxury: radiant, in his childlike and carefree joy.

August Brooksbank: For his birthday he swings his dancing leg

To the feel-good song “Jive Talkin'” by the Bee Gees, the little kid dances in jeans, a blue checked shirt and leather boots. A big grin on his lips reveals: Today is his day! In the caption, Princess Eugenie added: “Happy second birthday to our boy Augie. You are our greatest joy. Keep dancing and smiling my angel.”

Good Genes: This resemblance runs in the family

And Princess Eugenie’s followers on Instagram are also happy with the young family. One particular detail immediately catches your eye: the resemblance to Mama Eugenie. “What a darling! You can definitely see how much he resembles his mom,” writes one user. Another notices: “The same face as Princess Lilibet”, the daughter of her cousin, Prince Harry, 38. The fact that they all come from one family cannot be dismissed out of hand.


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