Aurore Bergé believes that a parliamentary coalition must be created “with the three blocs of the former majority”


The name of a Prime Minister is long overdue. In Paris Match, Gérald Darmanin believes that a Prime Minister is needed outside the presidential camp. Invited to the Grande interview Europe 1-CNews, Aurore Bergé, resigning minister responsible for equality between women and men, shares her point of view.

She wonders what coalition can make sense, but which can also offer stability and political coherence. “What I want once again is to give stability to the country. I believe that today, it is both outstretched hands on the right that are proposing a legislative pact. Honestly, I do not see anything irritating in this legislative pact,” she says to Florian Tardif.

Find a new Prime Minister and fast!

But before forming a coalition, the newly elected MP in Yvelines admits that a new Prime Minister is needed quickly, who can then be free to form a government pact, resulting from a parliamentary coalition.

“And this parliamentary coalition, once again, the one that can be drawn up today, is a parliamentary coalition with the three blocs of the former majority, the central bloc and the government right,” she says.

Then to go further, she explains that she needs members of the Socialist Party. “There are very respectable deputies and, fortunately, who can agree to finally detach themselves from France Insoumise. They cannot be insulted morning, noon and night by France Insoumise and then, a few hours later, reach an agreement,” she punctuates on Europe 1-CNews.


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