Aurore Bergé wants a “new Prime Minister” and mentions the names of Bertrand, Barnier or Larcher


Xavier Bertrand, current president of the Hauts-de-France region and former minister, Michel Barnier, former European commissioner and former minister, and the president of the Senate Gérard Larcher “have solid experience of government, Parliament and compromise”, said the Macronist minister, in an interview with Le Figaro published online on Sunday.

Emmanuel Macron could, after the Paris Olympics, appoint a Prime Minister who would exude a “smell of cohabitation” in an attempt to build a coalition, according to a close friend of the president.

A wish that the left emerges “from their unnatural alliance with LFI”

“We do not need a technical government, but a political government, with experienced people who know how to build compromises, while being respected by the deputies and the French people,” added the deputy from Yvelines, herself from the right.

Aurore Bergé hopes that this government will succeed in “going beyond the right, to the social democrats” provided that they come out of “their unnatural alliance with LFI”. She rules out the possibility that Lucie Castets, candidate of the left-wing alliance New Popular Front, who came out on top in the early legislative elections, will be appointed to Matignon because “no one can say ‘my whole program, nothing but my program'”.

On purchasing power, she proposes to organize a “social conference” with the social partners and considers that on decentralization, public services, “the restoration of order, authority and secularism”, the proposals of the legislative pact put forward by Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the deputies of the Republican Right (LDR, ex-Les Républicains), “are not irreconcilable with those of the central bloc”.

“It’s a voice that I will carry”

On the subject of immigration, she suggests that senators could take up “provisions” on this subject from the right. She also wants “a refoundation within the Renaissance party, which cannot exist without a real constructive dialogue” with the allied parties Horizons and MoDem, and “to confront the RN with its contradictions” without “excluding” it from the institutions of the National Assembly.

“It is a voice that I will carry,” she assures, while the Macronist movement must hold its congress by the end of November and the resigning Prime Minister Gabriel Attal is said to intend to take over the party.


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