Auto-Papst calls for penalties for combustion engines: only electric cars should be worthwhile

E-cars should be promoted indirectly via combustion engines, according to a new demand (Image source: Unsplash)

According to a well-known economist, cars with internal combustion engines should become more expensive. E-cars would be indirectly promoted if the VAT for diesel and petrol cars was increased noticeably in the medium term. But there are other ideas too.

Expert: Promote e-cars indirectly with taxes

The economist Ferdinand Dudenhöffer, known as the car pope, calls for a tax rethink when dealing with cars. Instead of concentrating entirely on a purchase premium for e-cars, adjustment screws should be set elsewhere. He can feel a noticeable Increase in VAT for petrol and diesel cars introduce. This could increase from the current 19 to 26 percent. Buying a car with a classic combustion engine would be significantly less attractive.

According to Dudenhöffer, who is now director of the CAR Center Automotive Research, there would be an additional charge of around 2,500 euros per car. On the other hand, e-cars would be indirectly promoted and made more attractive, since they would not be affected by the price increase (source: Spiegel).

There is still a strong subsidy in the form of the environmental bonus or innovation bonus Subsidy for electric cars. The purchase price can be reduced by up to 9,000 euros – but not for much longer to this extent. From the year 2023, the federal government plans to apply new rules, for which a “positive climate protection effect” must be proven. With plug-in hybrids, this effect might not exist. The subsidy was originally supposed to expire at the end of 2021.

We clear up myths about e-cars in the video:

Expensive burners: Sweden is leading the way

In other EU countries, buyers of combustion engines sometimes have to expect additional costs. In Sweden, one has been falling since July 2018 for the first three years after purchase increased annual road tax on. According to an analysis by the Federal Environment Agency, the vehicle tax for passenger cars in Germany is too low compared to the EU.

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