AUTOPSIES OF STARS. Arnaud Giovaninetti, the fatal combination that pushed the actor to suicide

Arnaud Giovaninetti, the star actor of Candice Renoir committed suicide five years ago, on January 24, 2018. Back to the reasons for this tragedy.

It was January 24, 2018 but the French artistic world remembers it like it was yesterday. The actor Arnaud Giovaninetti, then 50 years old, died at his home in Taverny in the north of Paris. He was, shortly before, with his fiancée Judith d’Aleazzo, met in 2016 and with whom he went to the Philharmonie. Only after a few minutes, the actor who particularly distinguished himself in his role in the series Candice Renoir favorite return home, where he will try to drown his unhappiness in alcohol. According to some of his relatives, it is this same alcohol, which he has known only too well since his adolescence, which pushed him to take action. His fiancee Judith d’Aleazzo has a bad feeling as Gala explains. “After five minutes of the show, I wondered what I was doing there without him, I had a bad feeling. I went out, I called him… It was already too late”.

The actor’s death was announced in the media and then by his fiancée on social media, who said at the time: “Dear friends, it is with a broken heart that I inform you of the death of my beloved companion, Arnaud Giovaninetti. Apart from his close friends, I do not have the strength to warn you other than through this media, I hope that you will understand. I will keep you posted in the coming days for those who wish to pay homage to him. Pray, think of him, please“. If it is at the start a heart problem that was blamed for the death of Arnaud Giovaninettithe thesis of suicide then circulated, in particular because of professional failures so the actor could not recover.

A fatal combination

Rejections, disappointments… The actor can’t get himself cast to continue to exercise his passion, and lets these refusals reflect on his state of mind and his perception of himself. With an exemplary career but a divorce from his parents which marked him strongly when he was a child, Arnaud Giovaninetti shows that he only overcame the trials of his life thanks to his job and that it is above all this last one that helped her stay afloat. Not being able to express themselves through their art and above all to feel disowned by his profession will therefore have been fatal to him. Because if the most lyrical feathers spoke of melancholy, of a poet with a dark soul and that he was described as “black sun” in Caroline Constant’s book, it was a real illness that seemed to affect Arnaud Giovaninetti: the depression.

The dark facet of the actor is well known to his familyin particular from his sister Pascale who, quoted by Gala, confides in the ill-being of her little brother. “I often called him, we talked for hours, until late at night. He had taken off his mask, confessed his discomfort, his sometimes desire to end it. One day he told me that he always had a rope in his cellar…”. Combined with a ruthless professional environment, with disrespectful treatment filled, as Judith d’Aleazzo unveiled at the Gala, with “casuality and negligence”, Arnaud Giovaninetti’s depression got the better of him.Even though he was filled with love, it wasn’t enough, he couldn’t take it anymore“. The opportunity to remember that depression is a very real disease and that as such, it can also be cured if the person affected manages to ask for help. Anyway, Arnaud Giovaninetti remains before a whole actor with an impressive track record, from Candice Renoir at the lover Passing by I will go to heaven because hell is here, and that’s how his fiancée wants him to be remembered, and not as someone who’s had one too many rejections. “He was an artist complete and magnificent enough to be remembered for more than that reason.”

If you or someone close to you is having suicidal thoughts, 3114 is the national 24/7 suicide prevention number to call. a care professional will be on hand.

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