Autumn search image: Only 1% of people can discover the error here

Search image
Only 1 percent find the error: What’s wrong with this picture?

Search image
Search image: Can you find the error?

In this search picture, several people are waiting together for a bus, but something is wrong. Can you find the error? Only one percent of people should be able to figure out what’s wrong with this picture.

If you want to train your brain, search images are a good choice. Solving them is fun. There are different types of search images. In our video we show you one where you have to find a specific detail.

What’s wrong here?

Search image

Search image: Can you find the error?

© TikTok/hecticnick

The picture shows a group of people waiting for a bus in the rain. Everything seems pretty normal until you look a little closer. Can you find the error? We show you the resolution in the video.

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