Avatar 5: after Pandora, towards a return to Earth?

As Avatar 2 prepares to hit screens on December 14, producer Jon Landau is already giving hints about the 5th installment. And the Na’vi just might take a trip to our good old planet Earth.

Will the Na’vi leave their sublime planet Pandora to come and see what is happening on the side of Earth? According to Jon Landau, producer of the saga led by James Cameron, the blue creatures will head for our good old planet in Avatar 5.

“In the 5th film, there is a whole part of the story that takes place on Earth. And we are going to open the eyes of the people of Pandora, open the eyes of Neytiri to what exists on Earth”entrusted Jon Landau to the microphone of Gizmodo.

In the 5th movie, there is a whole part of the story that takes place on Earth.

If Avatar 2 will invade cinemas on December 14, it should be noted that the 3rd episode has already been filmed, as well as part of the 4th.

So the prospect of the Na’vi leaving Pandora to see what’s happening on Earth is very interesting on paper. This will surely be an opportunity to learn more about the past of the hero, Jake Sully.

“Earth is not just represented by the RDA. Just as you are defined by the choices you make in life, not all humans are evil. Not all Na’vi are good. And that is the case here on Earth. We want to expose Neytiri to that.”explains Jon Landau.

The roles could thus be reversed between Jake and Neytiri, who this time will be in full discovery of the world of his companion.

In the meantime, the second episode, in theaters on December 14, will already have to be a huge success, not to mention the 3 and 4. Otherwise, we risk never seeing this 5th opus, already scheduled for the 20 December 2028.

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