Avatar: it’s confirmed, there will be 5 films!

James Cameron has just confirmed that “Avatar: The Way of the Water” was profitable and that his saga would therefore have five films, as expected.

A few days ago, it was very likely according to a specialized site, but it is now a certainty: Avatar: The Way of the Water has returned to its costs. James Cameron announced the news this weekend, formalizing for the occasion Avatar 4 and Avatar 5, which were conditioned by this success.

“It looks like Avatar: The Way of the Water, with the current momentum, will be profitable in the next few days. So I’m not going to be able to scroll, I’m going to have to do these other sequels”, the Canadian filmmaker said on Friday during the podcast Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace? from HBO. The film had just crossed the threshold of 1.5 billion dollars in revenue worldwide.

“I know what I’m going to do for the next six or seven years”continues James Cameron in remarks relayed by The Hollywood Reporter. “It’s going to be fine. I’m sure we’ll soon be having a discussion with senior Disney bosses to lay out the battle plan for Avatar 3, which is already in a box. The entire film is already shot, we are in full post-production to create all this digital magic.”

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And James Cameron to reveal at what stage of development are the following opuses: Avatar 4 and Avatar 5 are written. We even have part of Avatar 4 in box. We started a franchise that can now span multiple films.”

The hexagonal theatrical release of Avatar 3 is scheduled for December 18, 2024. Episodes 4 and 5 should then be unveiled, if no delay is to be reported, at the end of 2026 and the end of 2028.

False Fitting: the blunders and errors of “Avatar”

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