Avengers Endgame: this Marvel hero that no one had noticed at the end of the film

Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel and… Howard the Duck?! Did you notice the very discreet appearance of this unknown Marvel character in “Avengers: Endgame”, broadcast this Sunday evening on TF1?

We are at the end of Avengers: Endgame. As all hope seems lost and Thanos prepares to launch his troops to storm Earth, all of the heroes who had been suppressed by the Mad Titan suddenly return to life and join Captain America in leading the final battle.

Alongside the super-soldier, it is therefore the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe which puts itself in combat position. Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, Captain Marvel, Hulk or the Scarlet Witch. No hero is missing, and the ranks of the Avengers are even reinforced by the armies of Wakanda, Asgaard and the Ravagers.

Difficult to notice as the crowd is compact, but a very particular Marvel character, that aficionados and children of the 80s certainly know, also points the tip of his beak in this final sequence of the film that TF1 has just broadcast this Sunday evening. Indeed, armed with a large machine gun, dressed in a suit, Howard the Duck is also there.

marvel studios

Hero of a feature film in his name produced by George Lucas in 1986, this “ugly duckling” from the Marvel team had experienced a fate that was unpleasant to say the least when it emerged from its egg. Shunned by the public, atomized by the critics, Howard … A new breed of heroesrecounting the misadventures of an alien waterfowl catapulted to Earth, had barely managed to repay a third of its budget.

Lucasfilm Ltd.

A bitter failure which, according to legend, had prompted Lucas to keep the copy of the film in a safe to prevent video exploitation, and had even forced him to sell his animation department to a certain Steve Jobs, indirectly involving the creation of Pixar Studios.

More than 30 years after being stuck in the water, here is Howard back on the big screen, among his super-heroic comrades from the Maison des Idées.

marvel studios

However, Avengers: Endgame does not mark his first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Indeed, as you know if you are used to staying until the end of the credits, the Duck already appeared at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy, in the company of the Collector, then in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 , in a bar, on the planet Contraxia.

(Re)discover the little hidden details of “Guardians of the Galaxy 2″…

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