Avian flu: risk level lowered to “negligible” in France

Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: GAIZKA IROZ / AFP

The reduction in the level of risk is also due in particular to “the end of the seasonal migration of migratory species” and “the stabilization of the epidemiological situation in the wild avifauna of neighboring countries”. The risk level, judged “high” from December, had already been lowered to “moderate” last month.

The risk level for avian flu, described as “moderate” since mid-March, has been lowered to “negligible” in France, after a season where the virus circulated less and where farmed ducks were vaccinated, according to a decree published on Sunday in the Official Journal. “This order qualifying the level of highly pathogenic avian influenza risk is taken following an improvement in the health situation in wild avifauna,” underlines the document from the Ministry of Agriculture signed on Friday and which comes into force on 3 may.

France largely spared this winter

The lowering of the risk level also takes into account “the end of the seasonal migration of migratory species” and “the stabilization of the epidemiological situation in the wild avifauna of neighboring countries”. Consequently, another decree also signed on April 26 removes “certain biosecurity measures applicable in ZRD (Zone at risk of diffusion, Editor’s note) or in ZRP (Zone at particular risk) when the level of risk is moderate”.

The risk level, judged “high” from December, had already been lowered to “moderate” last month. This winter, France was largely spared from avian flu thanks to the combination of less circulation of the virus in Europe and the vaccination of ducks, which it is the only European country to practice, indicated on March 8 a head of the Anses health agency. France has made the vaccination of farmed birds compulsory on farms with more than 250 non-breeding ducks, for the first time in 2023.

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