Away from the scene of the crime – woman rolled over by car: friend under suspicion of murder

Was the Lower Austrian Sonja K. killed intentionally or did she die in an accident? Criminalists try to find out – and interrogate a suspect.

The tragic incident led to a large-scale operation at night on Monday night at an already closed gas station in Eibesbrunn (Lower Austria). Because on the access road to the petrol pumps and the car wash, a lifeless woman lay next to a Dodge RAM. The suspect disappeared into the dark. Because on the sparsely lit asphalt a man was leaning over the victim. “I’ll just put the car aside and I’ll be right back,” he assured the officers. But the opposite was the case! Because the suspect drove his pick-up away from the scene of the accident, but then disappeared into the darkness. Images from the surveillance camera showed that the man had been picked up by another woman. Meanwhile, the emergency doctor was fighting for the life of the enthusiastic rider and consultant for a pharmaceutical company in the Korneuburg district. She had suffered severe bruises and broken bones all over her body – from chest to legs. The Lower Austrian, who was initially in mortal danger, was resuscitated and flown to the Donaustadt clinic by emergency helicopter, but succumbed to her serious injuries in the Monday morning hours. The victim’s partner was quickly targeted by investigators. He turned himself in to the police on Monday morning and was interrogated intensively by investigators from the Lower Austrian State Criminal Police Office. If this tragic incident in the Weinviertel actually turns out to be murder, it would be the 27th fatal act of violence against a woman in Austria this year.
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