Awkward! With these symptoms we prefer to go to Google instead of to the doctor

Embarrassing and uncomfortable
With these symptoms we prefer to go to Google instead of to the doctor

© Francesco Carta foto / Getty Images

It itches, it burns and it hurts. Unfortunately, in places we don’t like to talk about. Neither with friends nor with doctors. Better to google than to talk about these symptoms.

by Lena Selinger

There are symptoms such as a headache or a sore throat that are unproblematic. That’s when you go to the doctor. Other symptoms, on the other hand, are of a more unpleasant nature – especially those that cause problems below the navel. Because this lower area is still an absolute taboo subject. While it should be just as natural to see a doctor for vaginal thrush as it is for a migraine attack, we feel embarrassed and kind of dirty. Most of the problems we women have with our vagina or vulva have more to do with too much than too little hygiene. But there are other body areas and topics that we prefer Dr. Google, only to end up frantically diagnosing ourselves with cancer, aneurysms and other terminal illnesses, rather than jumping over the shadows and seeing a real doctor, a new study shows.

And? Are you there too?

The study von Lenstore has analyzed over 100 common health complaints and filtered out the symptoms that are googled the most.

The most sought-after complaints by Germans include:

  • constipation
  • hair loss
  • gas
  • bad breath
  • weight gain
  • Excessive sweating
  • Anal itching and vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal itching
  • vaginal dryness

It’s not all nice.

What else stands out:

  • Diarrhea is the most searched for worldwide, but also panic attacks are at the top of the ranking
  • In Germany is the most commonly googled Fever, closely followed Diarrhea and Sore throat
  • 82% of Germans google their symptoms before they see their doctor11% of the diseases remain undiagnosed
  • Almost 1/3 of Germans admit that Googling a health symptom in the past leads to self diagnosis has led that was worse than the actual diagnosis at the doctor’s

No, vaginal itching and the like are no fun

But to be honest, many a diagnosis that we have made to ourselves via the Internet is a bit strange. At least in hindsight. And of course we are also very big on looking online first to see what eventualities could come our way instead of going straight to the doctor and clarifying it. Basically, we are looking for the all-clear and reassurance – it won’t be that bad. Unfortunately, we usually get exactly the opposite, so that we end up sitting on the treatment chair. And every time we say: no, keep your hands off the keyboard. Of course, it would be much easier if not only shame but also the far too long waiting times for an appointment prevented us from going to the doctor. You need a vacation day just to make an appointment. And while you hang in the various queues, you have a lot of time to google on the side.


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