Axa takes a first step into the metaverse

The insurer Axa announced on Friday the acquisition of land in the metaverse in order to become familiar with this new virtual world, to gauge the business opportunities there and to cultivate a tech image with a view to future recruitment.

What is important for us is to learn, to understand, explained to AFP Patrick Cohen, general manager of Axa France.

The metaverse, a contraction of meta and universe, is a network of interconnected virtual spaces accessible through augmented or virtual reality glasses (AR or VR) and sometimes described as the future of the internet.

Axa will study the possibilities of opening a virtual agency or setting up new services – prevention or assistance, for example – dedicated to the virtual world.

A new world that is opening up goes hand in hand with new risks, notes the leader.

The operation also responds to an image issue to soon recruit 500 data and tech employees, profiles that the large groups are fighting for.

The company presents itself as the first player among French banks and insurance companies to establish themselves in a virtual world.

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She settles via the video game company The Sandbox and will be accompanied by Excelsior and Metaverse Studio for the development of her plot, the purchase price of which she did not wish to reveal.

The interest of major brands for the metaverse has been increasingly marked since Facebook announced at the end of October that it wanted to make this space its new business project, renaming its parent company Meta in the process.

In the 2000s, Axa established itself in Second Life, the precursor site of the metaverse, before withdrawing from it.

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