Ayurveda: This is how the Indian art of healing can help us

The Indian art of healing Ayurveda consists of three body types. That's what Vata, Pitta and Kapha are all about.

In Ayurveda, the doshas give people their individual constitution. Based on the elements fire, water, earth, air and space, the types Vata, Pitta and Kapha deal with stress differently. Here we show who is what type.

The Indian doctrine of the art of healing Ayurveda is based on the five elements fire, water, earth, air and space. The basic energetic forces of our body are fed from them: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They determine the individual constitution of a person who, according to Ayurveda teaching, is born with a mixture of the three doshas.

The Vata type

"Vata" means air and wind and stands for the principle of lightness, activity and movement. Accordingly, Vata types are characterized by joy of life and energy. Optical features are a slim, graceful figure, dry skin, fine hair and clearly visible veins. Anyone who freezes easily and cannot gain anything from low temperatures probably belongs to this dosha.

In addition, there are only two extremes in Vata when it comes to eating: cravings or simply no meal at all. So that the biorhythm works properly again, it is advisable to have smaller but several meals a day – preferably warm. Because firstly, warmth is the Vata and secondly, warmth in Ayurveda means energy.

A lukewarm porridge with fruit is therefore ideal for breakfast. In order to keep the water balance in balance, it should be fruits with a high water content (nectarine, kiwi, pear) in addition to berries. Since Vata types suffer from dry skin due to a lack of subcutaneous tissue, a watermelon or coconut can also be used. This increases the moisture content of the skin and prevents dehydration.

The Pitta type

"Pitta" means bile and consists of the elements fire and water. A good keyword, because the fiery Pitta creates a lot of stress and pressure, although it proceeds systematically and organized. Many perfectionists should now recognize themselves. The pitta has a good digestion, but tends to become acidic.

That is why you should avoid animal products such as meat and eggs as much as possible. A vegetarian diet accommodates the Pitta, as vegetables and fruits are considered basic and ensure a balanced acid-base balance in the body. Since the fiery Dosha often suffers from blemishes and sun-sensitive skin, one should resort to a day care product with a sun protection factor.

The Kapha type

The Kapha type is prone to indolence. Most kaphas are slightly overweight or have a strong build. The "cozy Dosha" approaches things methodically and slowly and accordingly has slow digestion. Regular detoxification is therefore important for the Kapha. Fasting cures help with purification and bring the Kapha constitution back into shape. Either you rely on the intake of healing clay or simple herbal teas.

In order to get rid of those unpleasant rolls of bacon, the carbohydrates should also be reduced. Fruits with a high proportion of antioxidants (berries and pears) are an absolute must on the table. This also protects the cells from the sun and free radicals.
