Babies don’t like ugly ones, according to Chinese study


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Do you have a natural feeling with children? At your sight, their face lights up? Surely you are a beautiful person. Here, we are not talking about inner beauty but about an advantageous physique. Yes, according to science, babies are not confident in the company of ungrateful people. Explanations

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It’s scientific, babies don’t like ugly ones! This is the popularized result of an improbable study carried out by Chinese researchers. According to this study published in the scientific journal Frontiers in Psychology, children relate trust to the attraction they perceive in someone. In summary, this means that people considered to be beautiful are more trustworthy than others and, therefore, more sympathetic. If a baby is crying at your touch, then there is a chance it is because your physique does not match her criteria of beauty.

This study carried out in China in 2016 aimed to find the cause explaining why a baby could go from laughing to tears depending on who was holding him / her. To understand such a change in behavior, the researchers turned to 138 participants, as many adults as young children. The subjects were confronted with 200 images faces masculine with neutral expression. They were then asked toassess their attractiveness on the one hand and the degree of confidence that they would give them other parts, giving them a mark.

And the result was final. Adults and children alike naturally have combined advantageous physicality and reliability. Faces perceived to be the most beautiful scored higher on the Confidence Scale. But then what exactly is an attractive physique according to the study? People with large eyes, high eyebrows and a rounded cheekbone line are seen as soft, friendly and soothing. Conversely, those who have a high forehead, an imposing browbone, and a marked jaw are considered aggressive by the subjects. If we still doubted the influence of the physical on our brain …

Read also: Babies would be gifted with logic before they even know how to speak

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