Baby at 1 year old, language, food, walking … where is it?

Your baby at 1 year old. He weighs about 9.5 kilos for 76 centimeters, is curious, loves to cuddle, wants to do “me alone” things, starts to stammer, crawls like lightning on all fours and starts doing silly things.

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Well, of course, this is generality. Some children are more advanced on certain points, others take longer. Do not panic. If baby doesn’t walk, doesn’t speak yet, he’s taking his time. everything comes at the right time to those who know how to wait for it.

The psychomotor development of a 1 year old child

Your child will start to stand up, which will lift him up into the adult world; he is more dexterous with his hands, which allows him to touch and explore every nook and cranny. He can now grab things between his thumb and forefinger and stretch out his arm or leg to you when you dress him.

From the moment the baby is up Warning, it will be necessary to pay even more attention to the corners of tables, doors and objects placed high.


It is not important that your baby does not walk alone at 1 year; the main thing is that he knows how to move around. Children walk on average around fourteen months, but know that a child only walks when he is ready. The age of walking depends mainly on the temperament, so the curious will be more precocious than the calm ones.
Some children find that they are much faster on all fours, so walking seems pointless to them and it suits them for now! To help him walk, you can provide him with a mobile support like his stroller, and don’t rush every time he falls: encourage him to get up instead!

The anguish of separation

The anxiety of separation usually arrives around the 8 months of the child but it can be later and your 1 year old toddler can still be confronted with it. This is a normal step that should not be dramatized. There are a few tips to help your baby overcome it. First of all, explain your departures and absences to him, talk to him about it so that he is never caught off guard. Then play games with him that help him understand that just because you can’t see an object (or a person) doesn’t mean that he’s gone forever. The ideal, the game of “hidden cuckoo”. And for that, Flappy the elephant will be your best ally. This animated plush that hides behind his big ears is sure to amuse your baby but it will also allow him to gently realize that you still exist even when he does not see you. He will discover that it is funny to see people reappear and it is a safe bet that Flappy will trigger great laughs and lovely moments of tenderness in him.

The safety of a 1 year old child

Between 1 year and 4 years, domestic accidents are the leading cause of death … take your precautions. Baby moves everywhere and touches everything, the house is a nest of accidents, never leave him alone, even 2 minutes (that’s already too much!). Store toxic products (medicines, cleaning or gardening products), keep it away from the kitchen: everything is a source of heat, and therefore of burns (saucepan, oven, hob, toaster, taps, etc.), beware of falls (windows, bunk beds, stairs…).

The three watchwords are: tidy up, supervise, educate. Do not forbid everything for your child either: he needs to form his own experience in the face of dangers.

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Feeding the 1 year old child

Along with walking, starting to eat on your own is one of the first years of independence. Your baby wants to do “me alone”, let him wield his spoon as he sees fit so that he practices and feed him with another. Invest in a durable oilcloth and a “pelican” bib that collects food! Prefer foods that stick with a spoon (mash, thick compote, etc.) or that can easily be caught with the fingers (vegetables and fruits cut into pieces, cereals, etc.). The important thing for the moment is that he takes pleasure in eating and getting by. : the stage of good manners does not come until later.

His language

Even if your child is not yet speaking, he is already communicating using syllables and intonations to make himself understood by those close to him. Language learning is done through mimicry, so it is important to talk to your baby about the things you do, to relate speech to gesture in a clear, precise and simple way. His first words will be elementary and often linked to the pleasure of everyday life. When a word is too difficult to pronounce, it often goes through rough shortcuts that you will learn to recognize.
Remember to jot down those first words, those funny expressions that he will tell you during the first few years. They will be good memories for later.

His sleep

The 1 year old child has sleep needs that vary from 13 to 15 hours per day with about 4 hours of nap. His sleep cycle changes, and he usually has a harder time falling asleep at night. His sleep is also more restless: if there are nocturnal awakenings, it is advisable not to intervene and to let him fall asleep again. This is due to the social changes he has with others, his new life excites him too much to fall asleep calmly. To help him fall asleep, apply a sleep ritual to prepare him mentally: pajamas, calm games, soft lights … And as soon as your baby shows signs of fatigue, put him to bed so that he does not miss not his sleep cycle.

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Baby at 1 month
Baby at 2 months
Baby is 3 months old
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