Baby happiness thanks to lockdown: allegedly infertile couples suddenly pregnant in the corona year

Baby happiness thanks to lockdown?
Why supposedly sterile couples suddenly became pregnant in the Corona year

© Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock

Barren? Maybe not. Investigations by an Italian research group at the Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova hospital in Reggio Emilia have shown that supposedly sterile couples were able to fulfill a child's wish in times of lockdown without further treatment.

The corona lockdown time is a challenge, especially for couples who are trying in vain to have a child. The pandemic not only affects our public life, it also leaves its mark in our private lives. In addition to shops, restaurants and schools, fertility centers also have to close temporarily. The result: interrupted therapy cycles, suspended treatment and desperate couples.

Surprising success with couples in Italy

However, it has now turned out that the first lockdown in Italy brought surprising successes. In eight percent of the couples examined, children had announced that they would have children after the lockdown – and without any medication.

But how is that possible? This is what gynecologists and researchers are now investigating.

It is clear, however, that the infertility was distributed similarly: proportionally, women and men were supposedly "sterile" in the same proportion. So where is the key to solving this puzzle?

Apparently in the frequency of sexual intercourse: The women who became surprisingly pregnant were significantly more sexually active than their unsuccessful fellow sufferers.

Apparently there is a connection between the occurrence of pregnancy and the frequency of sexual intercourse per week. Even after further investigations, it is clear: the frequency has the strongest predictive influence on the development of a pregnancy.

What does that mean? That many of the supposedly infertile couples may have been over-treated and maybe have taken the pressure off their sex life in lockdown. So: It's best to try relaxing and having fun – because you can't lose anything guaranteed. And who knows? Maybe the new approach will bring you to your destination unexpectedly.

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