Bad atmosphere in The Right Price: the public blamed, the wife of a collaborator takes it for her rank in spite of herself!

By Hiba Semali | Editor

Attached to the TV section, Hiba Semali devotes herself to the small screen. The Voice, Koh-Lanta, Top Chef, Secret Story, Star Academy and even Les Marseillais have no secrets for her.

On March 11, M6 launched its new version of “Just Price”, a cult game now presented by Eric Antoine, supported by Vincent Piguet. If good humor is there, it seems that the public is causing problems for the teams. A collaborator does not hesitate to swing!

"The right price" made its return to M6 almost three months ago.
“The Right Price” made its return to M6 almost three months ago.© M6

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It’s already been almost three months since The right price made its return to M6. At the helm, the 700,000 viewers in front of their stations every day find Eric Antoine. The famous magician is not alone: ​​Vincent Piguet accompanies him. This professional kennel operator, also nicknamed La Pig, is in charge of presenting the gifts and items to be valued, always in a joking manner. And if he exudes good humor on screen, behind the scenes doesn’t seem the funniest for him…

From our colleagues at the magazine Tele-Leisure on newsstands this Monday June 3, 2024, Vincent Piguet, revealed to the general public during the last season of France has an unbelievable talent, engages in this new challenge. The opportunity also for the one who takes over the role of Gérard Vivès to be questioned on what he thinks of the criticisms about the public of the Right price, considered too noisy. “I can understand them. We also asked the theater operators to go less loudly so that the public would be more involved and attentive, rather than screaming all the time“, confides the man who twice holds the record for the longest caterpillar in the world, with 4,623 participants. And that’s not all: this high decibel environment had consequences. “For the record, I had to have custom earbuds molded because I couldn’t hear myselfhe exclaims. During the first shoots, when I got home, I asked my wife not to talk to me so I could have some silence.

Soon a major change for The Right Price? The expected response from M6

The rest of the time, Vincent Piguet slips perfectly into his role as a joker on the set of Right price, on M6. But still serving the famous game, much to his dismay. “I refrain from profanity. On the other hand, there are a lot of cuts in the editing because the real star is the game, with its tests, its suspense and its candidates. It’s frustrating but I accept it“, he says. But that could well change. “With Eric Antoine, we are stage artists, and we bring humor. We’ll probably try to make the show even more entertaining“, he adds, specifying that another change is expected. Indeed, according to him, “it would be good to try out the big programs which are offered at 7 p.m.“. But “it is M6 which will decide“, he concludes.

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