Bad Boy Horoscope: These zodiac signs find it difficult to admit feelings

Bad Boy Horoscope
Men with these zodiac signs are particularly cold-hearted

Watch out, bad boy! In the video you will find out who the ice blocks are among the zodiac signs.

Ice, ice, baby! Some men sometimes have more difficulty showing their feelings than women. Certain signs of the zodiac in particular seem to have a particularly hard time with this.

Every sign of the zodiac has its quirks, but they all have the same problem. Whether Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini or Aquarius: men who belong to one of these signs are often described as cold or even disinterested.

Bad Boy Horoscope: These zodiac signs are too cool for this world

You shouldn’t let their “hard shell” put you off: It’s sometimes worth giving these men some time to thaw out. However, with a clear emphasis on “sometimes” – because some of them are just so permanently cold that they can’t warm even the most patient heart. Which star sign is particularly affected by this? See for yourself!

heh / Image: Morocko/shutterstock

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