bad news, banks have never asked so much for personal contribution

Published on Thursday April 7, 2022, the report by the brokerage network Finance Conseil draws a dizzying conclusion. According to the document, the amount of personal contributions required by banks to be able to borrow has increased by almost 80% in one year.

Never had real estate loans been conditional on such a personal contribution. A report from the Finance Conseil brokerage network, published on Thursday April 7, 2022 and relayed by our colleagues from BFM Businessrevealed a 78% increase in one year the level of contribution requested from borrowers in France.

According to this report, it is necessary count on average 52594euros of personal contribution to be able to contract a mortgage in France, against 29,405 euros in the first quarter of last year. In other words, the contribution is now equivalent to around 20% of the total cost of the project.

An average credit fixed at 217,900 euros

In addition, personal contribution has exploded in certain French regions such as New Aquitaine and Hauts-de-France, where it has more than doubled in one year. Ile-de-France remains at the top of banking requirements with 130,000 euros of personal contribution on average by credit. In Provence-Alpes-Cte d’Azur, banks are also taking their precautions by asking an average of 75,000 euros per loan, or 24% down payment.

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what are these increases due to? According to information from our colleagues, these are linked in particular to the current context, marked by a climate of uncertainty and an increase in the cost of living. The report specifies that at the national level, the average amount of a loan is today 217,900 euros, against 226,791 euros in 2021. That is a slight decrease of 4%.

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