Bad news for the real estate loan, open a PEL in 2024… The 3 money news of the day

Bad news for real estate credit, should we open a PEL in 2024 or not?, life insurance rates… The 3 money news for this Monday, January 8.

1 – A contribution of more than 30% to obtain a real estate loan

89,345 euros. This is the amount of the personal contribution in the second half of 2023 for a real estate purchase of 244090 euros. A contribution which then represents 36.6% of the project, up almost 2% compared to the first half of 2023. However, this is not a condition set by the banks to obtain a real estate loan. According to Century 21, it is rather a desire of buyers to increase their envelope in order to be able to afford their property. All the information here.

Personal contribution: how much do you need to have for a real estate purchase?

2 – Opening a 2.25% PEL in 2024, is it really a good idea?

In 2024, the Housing Savings Plan (PEL) displays a gross return of 2.25%which amounts to a little less than 1.58% net, after deduction of the 30% flat tax (social security contributions 17.2% + income tax 12.8%). Faced with the Livret A blocked all year round at 3%, the popular savings booklet (LEP) soon to be 4% or even the LDDS modeled on the Livret A rate, the PEL does not seem to be up to the task! This product still has many advantages.

PEL loan right: everything you need to know about the loan linked to the Housing Savings Plan

3 – New dvoils life insurance rates

The season for announcing life insurance rates of return in 2023 continues. And this Monday, January 8, it’s the turn of the GMFof the MAAF and some MMA to reveal their performances after Milleis Vie, Garance or even The base rates of mutual insurers’ funds in euros fluctuate between 2.25% and 2.80%. Thanks to investments in units of account (UC), returns reach up to 3.25%. Find detailed rates.

Life insurance returns for the year 2023, from best to worst

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