bad news for those who are impatiently waiting for it

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick has finally confirmed the release window for GTA 6! But he also invites fans to be patient to discover more about this highly anticipated game.

GTA 6 will therefore arrive on PS5 and Xbox Series in the fall of 2025. A release window that seems very distant for fans impatient to return to Vice City. Rockstar Games’ highly anticipated next game intends to take its time, even apparently when it comes to its content and gameplay.

GTA 6 takes its time to explode everything better

Now that we know a little more precisely when GTA 6 will be released, fans are naturally excited. Its release window was not specified in a trailer, but in a statement from Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take Two, the game’s publisher. Many would undoubtedly have preferred to learn the news with a trailer capable of stirring up even more their excitement. For this, however, we will still have to wait. Rockstar Games intends to share news of its extremely anticipated title “ on time ”, according to Take-Two.

If there is hope for a very soon appearance of GTA 6 during the Summer Game Fest, we should not count on it too much. Take-Two and Rockstar Games are indeed well known for doing things at their own pace. Given the immense enthusiasm surrounding the title, a platform like Geoff Keighley’s show is not particularly necessary for them. Even more so considering the fact that the next Grand Theft Auto still has over a year to go. At least if the game is not postponed to 2026, as some have estimated.

A long wait that will be worth it?

In addition to specifying the release window for GTA 6, Strauss Zelnick tried to reassure fans with his words. “ We are fully confident that Rockstar Games will deliver an unprecedented entertainment experience. Our expectations around the game’s commercial impact continue to grow. We believe our business will achieve new levels of success and sequential growth through fiscal year 2027 “.

While waiting to see if these predictions are correct, we also learned from him that GTA 5 has officially exceeded 200 million copies sold, 11 years after its release. The Grand Theft Auto license therefore continues to rain down greenbacks for Take-Two and Rockstar Games. Hopefully GTA 6 takes up the torch from its illustrious big brother with panache.

While waiting for GTA 6, the fifth opus continues to establish its real empire. © Rockstar Games

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